Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I'm Back!

Hello again!

This is the last post for sure! I promise this time. ;D

I just wanted to summarize my experience throughout my Exploring Digital Media Class and what projects I think that I will use in the future. When class first started I looked at the list of projects that we were going to do my first response were: Why do I need to do Twitter? When will I ever need to build a website? I know how to shoot videos? And other similar questions followed for my other projects. I just could not get passed how some of these projects could be used in a professional stand point. I’ve learned that blogging can be fun and relaxing. I have also realized that by putting your face out there for employers to see and by trying new things these projects can be both beneficial and rewarding. I still don’t really see a use for Twitter as a professional side so I probably will not use that again, but I believe that all of the other projects, with the exception of Youtube, definitely have a spot in my future occupation.

I believe that other people should take this class because it really opens you up as a person and helps you become a professional in your area of study. It is also a great way to start making connections with people in similar majors or to at least endorse their skills on LinkedIn and broaden your pathway there.

This class has been very beneficial for me and I am excited to see what else I can do with the information I have learned. Maybe you will hear from me again on a different blog, but for it is goodbye.

Ta Ta For Now,

Ann Stang

Open Doors

Dear fellow bloggers,

       My final project is finished for my class, so this will probably be my last post on this page for a while. Hopefully I will be able to start another blog on a topic that will be able to last a little longer J

       I have thoroughly enjoyed working on my LinkedIn project. When you first create an account on you start by creating your profile page. You use this page as your resume and to put your face out there. You gain connections with people through your page, and every new connection you gain more people are added to your network whom can view your page and give you advice. You do not want to clutter your page, but you want to put information on it that supports you and your goals. This project has gone over very well and I already have a large network and multiple connections that will benefit my major. 
       Overall this project was very easy to put together and I am really excited to continue this project and take advantage of all of these new open doors and opportunities.

       Best wishes to you all!

       Ann Stang

P.S. Here is the link to my LinkedIn profile so that you can see what a profile looks like!

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Final Chapter

Dear Readers,

       My final adventure is about to start and I hope that after this last event that people will still check into my blog and ask questions! My final project is to create a LinkedIn page! I am really excited for this page because it helps you make connections long after you are out of college and have a job. I did not really know what LinkedIn was when I first came to college, but when I started meeting more people I learned more about the site and it sounds like it will help us out in the long run! You can make connections with people who have the same interests and/or job as you, and you are able to put your resume out there and see what type of companies and employers would like to hire you! There is also a wide range of people who use LinkedIn; from teachers, bankers, and musicians to politicians, therapists, and other leaders!
I plan on starting this project kind of slow because I want to make a good first impression, but I also want to get my information out there so that I can get feedback by employers and such. I do plan on creating a resume and putting it on the site because I want to see what kind of a reaction it will receive and hopefully it WILL receive some sort of reaction! I want to give this project all that I’ve got and I want to use it to the best of my ability! I will let you know how this project goes! Wish me luck!

       Yours truly,                               

       Ann Stang

Friday, November 29, 2013

A Great Adventure!

Dear fellow bloggers,
       Well, Emmalee and I finished our website and it looks terrific! I am very happy with how it turned out. Weebly was a great website to start a website and it is still very easy to update your website even after it is published. The only true conflict we came across was that we both could not be editing the same page at the same time. We could edit different pages of our page at the same time, just not the same one, so it was not that big of a deal. We got a decent amount of information on our site; I just wish I could’ve added more. The pages I created was our homepage, the camping page, my About Me page, and we collaborated on the contacts page. If you would like to check out our website it is please take a look if you can and leave some feedback! I am very happy with how it turned out and there a lot of delicious recipes and terrific destinations to try out! I would definitely again and if you have any questions about how the site works please leave a comment on my blog, or you can contact straight from our website as well! Thank you for following my blog for so long and I only have one more project to complete before the end of my digital media class is over, but hopefully I will be able to continue on with my blog.
       Yours truly,

       Ann Stang  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Outdoor Adventures!

Dear bloggers,
       I am really excited for this next project for my class! We are starting to create a website! I am going to be creating one with another girl in my class called Emmalee Cornell about Outdoor Activities. We are going to break it down into camping, food, and destinations which will help people enjoy the great outdoors. We are planning on using the website and so far it has been very user friendly. It is very simple to add new information and pictures, and I am really excited to see how else we can utilize our website! Like I said, I am really excited for this project and if you have any questions about other sites or if you are going to try Weebly and you want more information feel free to leave a comment!

       Yours truly,

       Ann Stang

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Dear fellow bloggers,

       My sincere apologies for not keeping you posted on how my video was coming along, but it was harder to put into words than I thought it would be….
My video didn’t turn out how I thought it would because I get so tongue-tied in front of a camera so I will not show it to you, but it was an informational video on some of the Basic Brass instruments. I was glad however on how easy it was to post my video on YouTube! I went on the site and I uploaded my video and it was ready for the world to see! The hardest part of putting my video online was adding closed captioning into my video which is basically like subtitles in movies. The only hard part about that was transcribing the words into the video, but that was only hard because it was time consuming. Overall the process was very easy and I was glad that it all came together even though I was not happy with my final outcome for a video maybe I can create a better one next time!
       I would consider doing more videos, but I would give myself more time to complete them in and hopefully use more people in them as well as practicing my parts more so that I don’t stutter as much! I hope you all have found my blog useful so far and I hope you continue to follow my posts because I have a few more projects left to do!

Yours truly,

Ann Stang

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Going Viral

Dear readers,

       My newest project for my digital media class is to create a youtube video. I feel as though this project will be easier than some of my past projects, but it will take more time to finish it. I believe that the actual shooting of the video will be the easiest part, and the planning of the whole project will be the hardest. It does not help that I am terrible at making decisions, but in order to make this a decent video I am going to be drawing up a storyboard and hopefully my lack of drawing skills do not make me have my video be simpler so that I don’t have to draw a detailed picture. The video I am going to create must be instructional or informational, and I have a decent idea of what I am going to do but you will have to wait and see the final project to know what I am planning.

       I am going to rent out a video camera from my local library, but I’m not sure how I am going to edit my video. I’m not sure if my computer has a video editing program, but I will have to look into that a little more. This is my only plan so far and I’m just hoping that my video can come together in time. I am going to try and keep you updated on my troubles and other experiences for this project, so keep checking in!

Yours truly,

Ann Stang