Friday, September 6, 2013

Here we go!

Welcome back readers,
        I am now heading into my next digital adventure by creating a Twitter account...duh duh duh….. To be honest, this project is probably the one that scares me the most. I know plenty of friends who have gotten sucked into Twitter and who spend a lot of time on there. I am going to do my best to make my Twitter feed professional, yet interesting. I have no idea how Twitter works so I also do not know how I am going to accomplish this project, but I will simply take things one step at a time and figure it out as I go.
        I am not entirely sure if I will continue with Twitter once this project is complete, but I plan to go by my motto of not judging things until I at least try them. I use this motto for everything including music, people, and food. So why not use it for Twitter? Wish me luck!

Yours truly,
Ann Stang

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