Friday, September 6, 2013

First Steps

Hello again,
       I am excited that my blog has already gotten a number of views, and I am also excited to be able to tell you more about my blog. The hardest part of starting a blog that I have found is simply finding the right website for yourself because there are thousands that you can choose from. I was recommended to try through a friend and so far I am enjoying it. Blogspot is very easy to get started, and I love how easy it is to maneuver the website and to edit and add posts. I am really glad that I did start on blogspot, and I haven’t found anything that I really dislike about it. As I continue with this project, including the blog and my other digital media adventures, I am going to see if I can incorporate some pictures and videos into my blog to make it more interesting and so that my readers don’t have to read my rambling all of the time. As I start each project in this class I will share my thoughts about them, share ways that you can start your own, and then close the project with what I liked and disliked about that part of the project. I truly am getting excited for this project and I cannot wait to get advice and comments about your own experiences with similar digital media experiences!

Yours truly,
Ann Stang

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog posts a lot, but to incorporate pictures try adding them the start of your blog posts to show quickly what the post is going to be about and add some more color and personality to the posts.
