Monday, September 30, 2013


Hello all!
       In my last post I mentioned that I was creating a survey for my Exploring Digital Media class at SCSU, and now I am asking for my readers to take 5 minutes out of their busy day to answer ten short questions. If you have any questions about the survey please feel free to ask! I have the link listed below. Let me know what you think! I really do care about your feedback!

Yours truly,

Ann Stang

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Surveying My Options

Dear readers,

       I am yet again starting out on another digital media adventure! My next digital exploration is to make an online survey, and it has been surprisingly hard to think of something to ask people about when you do not have a prompt. It is also proving to be difficult to pick the right website to start a survey in because you do not know how it will work until you try it out. I am actually excited to start this project because I can see it holding relevance for a future occupation and because I would like to see how people respond to my survey. I am going to be posting the link to my survey on my blog so that you can take a look at it and hopefully put in your input!

       My plan so far is to figure out what my topic is and then brainstorm various questions for my survey as well as researching different survey sights to see which one will work best for me and for my fellow readers. Wish me luck!

Yours truly,

Ann Stang

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Twitter Page

Here is a picture of the final outcome of my Twitter page! If you have any questions about Twitter feel free to ask me!

Tweets to go?

Long time no see!
       It has been a while since I last written to all my fellow bloggers and now that I have finished my Twitter project I actually have some information to share with you!

       Twitter was a little difficult to set up and to understand how to customize the profile page, and once I got those items settled I also found it difficult to search for organizations and people on their website. I also didn’t like the limit of characters in the Tweets, but it keeps you speaking at a point and not wandering like in a blog; however, I am happy with how my page turned out, and it does hold promise in keeping people connected with companies and organizations who correlate with their profession and interests.
       I still do not see the total benefit of using Twitter professionally even if it connects you with organizations and individuals with your major and future profession. There seemed to be a lot of hoops to jump through to get started, like having a certain number of sites that you follow before creating your profile. I made it through my Twitter project, learned some new things about digital media and how I would and would not want to use this form of media in my future profession.

That’s about it for now & I’ll talk to you soon,

Ann Stang           

Friday, September 6, 2013

Here we go!

Welcome back readers,
        I am now heading into my next digital adventure by creating a Twitter account...duh duh duh….. To be honest, this project is probably the one that scares me the most. I know plenty of friends who have gotten sucked into Twitter and who spend a lot of time on there. I am going to do my best to make my Twitter feed professional, yet interesting. I have no idea how Twitter works so I also do not know how I am going to accomplish this project, but I will simply take things one step at a time and figure it out as I go.
        I am not entirely sure if I will continue with Twitter once this project is complete, but I plan to go by my motto of not judging things until I at least try them. I use this motto for everything including music, people, and food. So why not use it for Twitter? Wish me luck!

Yours truly,
Ann Stang

First Steps

Hello again,
       I am excited that my blog has already gotten a number of views, and I am also excited to be able to tell you more about my blog. The hardest part of starting a blog that I have found is simply finding the right website for yourself because there are thousands that you can choose from. I was recommended to try through a friend and so far I am enjoying it. Blogspot is very easy to get started, and I love how easy it is to maneuver the website and to edit and add posts. I am really glad that I did start on blogspot, and I haven’t found anything that I really dislike about it. As I continue with this project, including the blog and my other digital media adventures, I am going to see if I can incorporate some pictures and videos into my blog to make it more interesting and so that my readers don’t have to read my rambling all of the time. As I start each project in this class I will share my thoughts about them, share ways that you can start your own, and then close the project with what I liked and disliked about that part of the project. I truly am getting excited for this project and I cannot wait to get advice and comments about your own experiences with similar digital media experiences!

Yours truly,
Ann Stang

Monday, September 2, 2013


Hello fellow bloggers,
         It is a pleasure to get the chance to introduce myself; I am Ann Stang (as seen below) and I am currently a student at St. Cloud State University. The first time I heard that I had to write a blog for class I was not really sure how to respond. I've never done anything like this, so I initially felt as though this class might be a waste of my time, because when will I use this again? Although, once I got started creating this blog I started to feel as though it might not be so bad. I can feel myself calming down a bit and I am starting to look forward to this project.  I am also going to be doing other digital media projects through my class, some of which I am even more unsure about compared to this blog, and I will be posting my experiences with them on here along with ideas on how to create your own and what websites work the best for each project! Now that I have gotten started on the overall project I feel like creating a separate blog on poetry. However, this first blog is simply going to be about my adventures through the year and how I do throughout my class on other digital media experiences.

Yours truly,
Ann Stang