Friday, October 4, 2013

A Job Well Done

My humble thanks to you,

       Thank you again and again for helping with my survey because I am still surprised with how well this project came together. Once I figured out what I wanted to ask people about it was easy to put the questions on the website. works really well, and for their free version you still have a decent number of question types to choose from in order to make your survey more interesting than simply ‘yes or no’ questions. If you don’t mind putting in a little bit of money you can get even more questions on, but I did the free version and my survey still did well.

       The part of the survey that I was the most worried about was probably getting enough people to take my survey. I distributed information on my survey on Facebook, Twitter, and here on my blog in order to open more opportunities for people to take my survey. I easily got the needed amount of people to take my survey, yet I feel like I could have received more responses if I had used “Call of Action” properly. Call of Action is simply what you use to persuade others to take your survey, and I do not think I utilized that concept very well.

       I still believe that surveys will come in handy in most occupations, and once I get a job I believe that getting a response will be easier because I will know who my target audience is; whether it is students, parents, board members, politicians, etc., it can only get easier from here now that I have made one. Once again another project has come together and I am looking for your input and questions so that I can see what I can improve on, and so that I can learn from any questions you have as well.

Your fellow blogger,

Ann Stang

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