Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Going Viral

Dear readers,

       My newest project for my digital media class is to create a youtube video. I feel as though this project will be easier than some of my past projects, but it will take more time to finish it. I believe that the actual shooting of the video will be the easiest part, and the planning of the whole project will be the hardest. It does not help that I am terrible at making decisions, but in order to make this a decent video I am going to be drawing up a storyboard and hopefully my lack of drawing skills do not make me have my video be simpler so that I don’t have to draw a detailed picture. The video I am going to create must be instructional or informational, and I have a decent idea of what I am going to do but you will have to wait and see the final project to know what I am planning.

       I am going to rent out a video camera from my local library, but I’m not sure how I am going to edit my video. I’m not sure if my computer has a video editing program, but I will have to look into that a little more. This is my only plan so far and I’m just hoping that my video can come together in time. I am going to try and keep you updated on my troubles and other experiences for this project, so keep checking in!

Yours truly,

Ann Stang

Friday, October 4, 2013

A Job Well Done

My humble thanks to you,

       Thank you again and again for helping with my survey because I am still surprised with how well this project came together. Once I figured out what I wanted to ask people about it was easy to put the questions on the website. works really well, and for their free version you still have a decent number of question types to choose from in order to make your survey more interesting than simply ‘yes or no’ questions. If you don’t mind putting in a little bit of money you can get even more questions on, but I did the free version and my survey still did well.

       The part of the survey that I was the most worried about was probably getting enough people to take my survey. I distributed information on my survey on Facebook, Twitter, and here on my blog in order to open more opportunities for people to take my survey. I easily got the needed amount of people to take my survey, yet I feel like I could have received more responses if I had used “Call of Action” properly. Call of Action is simply what you use to persuade others to take your survey, and I do not think I utilized that concept very well.

       I still believe that surveys will come in handy in most occupations, and once I get a job I believe that getting a response will be easier because I will know who my target audience is; whether it is students, parents, board members, politicians, etc., it can only get easier from here now that I have made one. Once again another project has come together and I am looking for your input and questions so that I can see what I can improve on, and so that I can learn from any questions you have as well.

Your fellow blogger,

Ann Stang

The Results Are In!

Fellow bloggers,
       Thank you to all who helped by taking my survey! I am proud to say that I have a 100% completion rate for all those you took my survery, so no one dropped out once they started it! By the responses I received I believe I have found a small connection between social media sites and how they affect people's crying patterns. The majority of the people who took my survey were female and younger than 20. Almost half of them spend more than 5 hours on social media sites during the span of a week, yet most of those who participated said that they rarely cried. What was interesting was the differnece in the gender ratio. I'm not sure if the male gender just simply didn't feel like taking my survey, or if they didn't take it because crying is a sensitive subject for men. It's still sad how much crying is repressed by social aspects of society; it's been repressed way before media sites were ever created, but even more so that they are available. I also saw in the results for my survey that there was a variety of thoughts about if social media sights influence how much someone cries, but over half said that something on a media site made them cry. The mixture of thoughts on the influence social media sites have towards crying made it seem as though the participants in the survey were not entirely sure on what to think and I believe that more research should be done to see if media sites do affect crying or not. 

       If you want to look at the results to this survey more closely I have posted a visual summary in the link below, so feel free to look at that and if you have any questions please let me know.

Yours truly,

Ann Stang